
MNCT 870
Is Fear a Choice?

May 20, 2013

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Michael Michael Neill is an internationally renowned success coach and the best-selling author of You Can Have What You Want, Feel Happy Now!, the Effortless Success audio program and Supercoach: 10 Secrets to Transform Anyone's Life. He has spent the past 22 years as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor and creative spark plug to celebrities, CEO's, royalty, and people who want to get more out of their lives. His books have been translated into 13 languages, and his public talks and seminars have been well received at the United Nations and around the world. Read More...

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How to Swim Like a Dolphin in a Town full of Sharks
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 Supercoach Academy 2014: Coaching from the Inside-Out

Supercoach Academy 2014

In 2010, I created Supercoach Academy and delivered what was originally designed to be a one-off training that would teach caring, committed individuals who wanted to make their living by making a difference how to bring out the best in people and make the best better.  Since that time, we've had students from over 28 countries fly back and forth across the world countless times and put in over 15,000 hours of practice to learn the the secrets to transforming lives.

Next year, I'm happy to announce a new format for Supercoach Academy2014 - Coaching from the Inside-Out. Based on what we've learned over the past four years, we've created a new format which involves less travel and more time to shift your foundations, deepen your grounding, and develop your practice.
a. The Foundation weekend will be held in Los Angeles from January 16 - 19, 2014

b. The Connection weekend will be held in New York City from March 13 - 16, 2014

c. The Creation weekend will be held in London from May 15 - 18, 2014

d. The Integration and Expansion weekend will be held in Los Angeles from September 11 - 14, 2014
As always, your time between live sessions will include small group pod calls, virtual masterclasses, coaching practicum, and supervision calls. We are also offering an expanded Virtual Track this year for people who cannot travel.

To enroll in the Academy, learn more, or to set up a time to speak with someone about what's possible for you, please visit

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 Is Fear a Choice?

There is a trailer for Will Smith's new movie, After Earth, which contains the following lines:

“Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice.”

It's a beautiful sentiment, but each time I watch the trailer, the same question occurs for me:

Is fear really a choice?

In order to answer that question, let's first take a deeper look at the nature of fear.

What is fear, really? Have you ever wondered where it goes when it’s not there anymore? Or where it comes from in the first place?

One of the most interesting things about fear is that it always seems to either come from something outside of us (an environmental stimulus) or from something inside our heads but separate from us - what my mentor George Pransky calls "psychological bogeymen".

Yet when you look closely, you’ll find that every fear you experience is actually made of thought. It’s not “false evidence appearing real”, as the acronym suggests – it’s thought appearing real. We react to the thought of a raccoon biting or dentist drilling or person shouting as if it was actually happening to us right here, right now, and then attribute our fear to the raccoon, dentist, or person shouting.

In The Inside-Out Revolution, I share the analogy of a person drawing a picture of a monster on a piece of paper and then running out of the room in terror. The exact moment the person sees that the monster is just a drawing and can’t hurt it, the fear is gone and there's nothing left to be done.

imagine waking up from a nightmare. One moment you’re totally engrossed in fighting off vampire zombies and the next your eyes are open and the vampire zombies are gone. You may still have a little bit of adrenaline coursing through your veins, but there are no lasting after-effects. No healing is necessary. You just get up and get on with your day.

We notice a scary thought in our mind, and because we do not recognize thought as the creator of the feeling, we are run ragged by it.  We do all sorts of things to avoid an imaginary consequence that has been constructed in our own mind. But the moment we recognize that only thought can create feeling, the very same thing that was so frightening becomes fascinating.

And the same possibility for freedom exists at the heart of all fear. The moment we see that our own deepest, darkest fears are 100% made of thought, we open up the space in our minds for our innate health, wisdom, and well-being to come through. There may well still be things to do in the world to create the outcomes we desire – but we will do them based on what is actually wanted and needed in each situation, not as a knee-jerk fight or flight response to our own unrecognized thinking. And in the very moment we recognize that thought is the only creator of our experience, the same world that once seemed so frightening becomes an endlessly, wonderfully fascinating place to be.

Which brings us back to our initial question:

Is fear really a choice?

Well, In those moments where i recognize thought as the source of my fear, we could say I can choose whether or not to indulge them - but that's like saying you have a choice between hitting yourself in the head with a 2x4 or not hitting yourself in the head with it. In those moments where you're aware that's where your headache is coming from, you're extremely unlikely to choose to keep doing it.

Since I don't even know what I'm going to be thinking sixty seconds from now, it's apparent to me that the vast majority of the time, I don't choose my thoughts. And since fear is made of thought, it seems to me that the majority of the time, I don't really choose whether or not to feel afraid.

But here's the good news:

Since I can at least intellectually recognize that the source of all fear is thought, I don't have to make a big deal out of being afraid. I neither need to hide from seemingly scary things nor "feel the fear and do it anyways". I can simply move forward in the face of all my ever changing thoughts, including the scary ones. And because I'm not scared of fear, I am left with something even more powerful than choice - true and absolute freedom.

Have fun, learn heaps, and enjoy the ride!

With all my love,

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PS - Swim like a dolphin and keep the dream alive in Los Angeles on the 7th and 8th of June!

Dr. Mark Howard and I will be in Los Angeles, California on the 7th and 8th of June for anyone who's ever wanted to live the life of their dreams but feels like those dreams are slowly dying (or being metaphorically kicked to death by a jackass... :-)

Dolphin vs. Shark1. How to Swim Like a Dolphin in a Town full of Sharks (Friday Evening, June 7th)

If you're tired of having sand kicked in your face by a town that feels like it's full of bullies, this is the talk for you!

You will learn:
  • How to easily keep your bearings in the face of constant rejection

  • The innate resilience that will allow you to quickly rebound from even the worst criticism imaginable.

  • Where to look within yourself for the wisdom that prevents mean spirited thoughts from renting space in your head.

    ... and much, much more!

Keeping the Dream Alive2. Keeping the Dream Alive
(Saturday, June 8th)

Did you come here to follow a dream?

When our dreams go unfulfilled, we blame circumstances, other people, or even our own inadequacies, but the only thing that can really kill a dream is the innocent misuse of our own mind.

Join us for this full day workshop to see how:

  • Three simple principles hold the key to transcending the limitations of our own psychology and stepping into a deeper intelligence that will guide us on every step of our journey

  • We can escape the trap of our own insecure thinking and begin to live with greater confidence, creativity, and well-being

  • No matter what's happened to you so far, it's never too late to make your dreams come true
While you're welcome to attend either of these events separately, we really encourage you to come along for both and take full advantage of what's on offer.

Click here to learn more and book your ticket now!
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