In my early years of exploring the Three Principles/inside-out understanding, it seemed to me there were two schools of thought about how best to teach and share. Some teachers seemed overtly spiritual – their teachings were peppered with words like God, and Spirit, and Divine Mind, and True Self. Others seemed more practically minded, often talking about things like business, money, sexuality, health, and relationships. But what I noticed both schools had in common was a deep feeling of peace and presence and an even deeper grounding in the nature of the human experience.

Anyone who spends any time around the inside-out/Three Principles understanding will hear the word “grounding” bandied about a lot. It’s become a sort of a buzzword – a currency in the “whose better at this game” game. There are conversations about how “her grounding is deeper than his grounding”, which always sound vaguely reminiscent of the “my dad’s bigger than your dad” games we used to play as kids.

Yet despite this somewhat pointless exercise in spiritual one-upmanship, there is a point to the conversation. Because our “grounding” – that is to say our level of understanding of who we are, what life is, and how it works – isn’t an intellectual understanding. Passing a written test on the principles behind the human experience would be like acing the final exam in a stand-up comedy analysis class. Just because you got an ‘A’ doesn’t mean you’re going to be any good at making people laugh.

Comic timing is one of those subtle, invisible things that can be learned but not taught – by the time you’ve got it, it’s in the bones, not the head. Similarly, our true understanding of life is the foundation for everything we say and do, consciously AND unconsciously. Teaching the value of sunlight from a course manual just isn’t the same as inviting the class to step outside and enjoy the sunshine.

In my experience,we learn the most about our spiritual nature when we throw ourselves fully into the game of life. The deeper we go, the more fun it is to be alive and the more the world benefits from our deepening grounding and growing mastery.

The Going Deeper Mastermind is for anyone who wants to dive into the depths of the inside-out understanding and see what emerges. It’s an opportunity to deepen both your grounding and the depth of your feelings of aliveness, presence, gratitude, and peace. It will be equal parts spiritual and practical; profound, and at times profane.

“A modern day Alan Watts – Michael Neill does the brilliant job of using intelligence, humor, and heart to blend the sacred with the profane and gently reveal the deeper spiritual nature of everyday life.

Mike Dooley, NYT bestselling-author and creator of “Notes from the Universe”

Here’s how it all works:

We will begin our time together in June with a 5 day online immersion retreat, awakening and amplifying this energy within us and beginning to explore what it really means to be ourselves. You’ll find yourself getting back in touch with your most heartfelt desires and relaxing in to each moment as though it were the only thing there is.

Early on each month we’ll reconnect in depth. We’ll take a day out to pull back, refresh, reground and if needed rebound from the drama and adventures of our daily lives. Then later in each month, we’ll meet up for 90 minutes to touch base, ask and answer questions, and share our “wins and wows”.

I will also meet with each person in the group individually three times over the course of our time together for both personal attunement and coaching support.


Here are the dates for our time together:

Five Day Immersion Retreat
8am PT – 1pm PT
June 21st-25th (Friday to Tuesday)

Monthly Deep Dives 

8am PT – 1pm PT

  • Thursday – July 11th
  • Wednesday – August 21st
  • Thursday – September 12th
  • Wednesday – October 9th (9am-1pm PT) 
  • Thursday – November 7th
  • Thursday – December 5th

Monthly Check-ins

11am – 12:30pm PT

  • Wednesday – July 24th
  • Wednesday – August 28th
  • Monday – September 30th
  • Thursday – October 24th 
  • Wednesday – November 20th
  • Wednesday – December 11th


There will be a maximum of 15 people accepted on the mastermind, and the cost will be $10,000. (Platinum members of the Inner Circle can use their discount code to save $1000 off the cost of participation.)

If this is for you, please fill out your application here:

Here’s a video taken from one of my first masterminds which goes deeper into our grounding in the inside-out understanding. It begins with an exploration of “via positiva and via negativa”, goes through a couple of flip charts worth of visual metaphors, and finishes with a few thoughts on both our essential nature and the nature of the spiritual journey.

Many people have said that it’s one of the clearest articulations of the Three Principles they’d come across, so I thought I’d share it in its entirety here and give you a sense of what we’ll be exploring during our six months together:

Michael Neill is an internationally renowned transformative teacher, author, broadcaster, and speaker, described as having the unique ability to “blend the sacred with the profane”. The inside-out understanding at the heart of his work challenges the cultural mythology that stress, pressure, and other symptoms of “seriousness” are a necessary part of adaptation and growth in business or indeed any area of life.

He has spent more than three decades as a coach, adviser, friend, mentor, and creative spark plug to founders, CEOs, celebrities, royalty, and those who are up to something in the world. His global client base is wide and diverse, having served clients in North America, UK, Europe, and the Middle East in the fields of investment, sales, energy, manufacturing, the entertainment and media industry, and more. He has been consistently ranked alongside Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, and other legends in the field as one of the top 30 coaching thought leaders in the world, and continues to run a small private practice working with high performers in their fields of expertise.

A gifted communicator, Michael has authored six best-selling books including Creating the Impossible, The Inside-Out Revolution, The Space Within, and Supercoach. His books have been translated into more than 25 languages, and his public talks, retreats and seminars have touched and transformed lives at the United Nations and in over 60 countries and on six continents. His TEDx talks, ‘Why Aren’t We Awesomer?’and ‘Can a TEDx Talk Really Change the World?’ have been viewed by over two million people around the world and his blog and podcast, Caffeine for the Soul, has  been  entertaining  and  inspiring audiences around the world for more than 20 years.

“If you’re ready to tap into the infinite power that is within you and truly see what is POSSIBLE, Michael will be your coach and guide as you take on the impossible. Take a leap of trust today and prepare to be amazed at the results.”

Iyanla Vanzant

“What I love about Michael’s work is the accessibility. There’s no ego attached, no grandiose musings, just thought provoking conversations and real tools to give us the power to turn ideas into reality.”

– Shaa Wasmund MBE