Want to Change Your Life?
When it’s time for a change or there’s something that you really, really, really want in your world, most people agree that sooner would be preferable to later and less effort would be preferable to more.
But culturally, we seem to place more financial value on hard work and hours spent than simple insights, exponential productivity, and relatively effortless success.

After thirty plus years of working with CEO’s, leaders, producers, directors, artists, and high performers in multiple industries, I’ve developed a sixth sense for “where the ice is thin” – the places in our thinking which are ripe for breakthroughs and where the smallest change will make the biggest difference. That means we can spend less time working through your problems and get to the heart of the matter more quickly, helping you bring your own best self to the table when it matters most and help you do less damage when you’re off your game.

Working with me is for you if:

  • You’re up to something big in the world but can’t seem to get unstuck, get going, or get to the next level
  • You, your company, or your team are facing seemingly overwhelming challenges
  • You’ve burned out (or can feel it happening), lost your mojo, and don’t know that you can carry on at your current pace much longer
  • You’ve hit a point in your life/career where you’re beginning to wonder if it’s time to change jobs, change fields, or move beyond the world of traditional “work”

If you’d like to make real and lasting changes in a fraction of the time and with less struggle, pressure, and stress than you can imagine, here are five ways for us to work together in a one on one or small group setting. Take your time as you read through them. For most people, the one that fits best is kind of a “no-brainer yes”, and any confusion comes from either trying to talk yourself into or out of what you already know is for you…

“I have observed Michael helping to captivate groups with his provocative original perspectives on the highest and best use of time, attention, and opportunity. I believe he’s a pioneer thinker capable of shifting paradigms in ways others don’t.”
Jay Abraham

CEO, The Abraham Group, Inc.

“Michael’s authentic approach and insightful concepts demystify ‘conventional wisdom’ and have enabled me to look at success in a completely different way.”

Sacha Gervasi

Director, My Dinner with Herve, Hitchcock, and Anvil: The Story of Anvil

“Thanks to Michael and his work, I’ve been able to grow my company three-fold and do it in a non-stressful, engaged, and loving manner. THANK YOU, MICHAEL!”
Shama Hyder

CEO & Founder, The Marketing Zen Group

“Michael’s sessions are not what they might appear to be on the surface – they are so much more!   In the space of a magical morning and in the context of an easy-going chat, he managed to shift my perspective on living from the inside out from concept to integration.    I wanted answers to some pressing issues and he helped me see that using my intellect alone wasn’t going to get me there and then once I side-stepped that I could have access to the most loving universal intelligence that is available to us all.     There was a moment when suddenly, as we talked,  everything shifted (I’ll leave him to tell you what he calls that!) and I reached a whole new level of understanding and of being in the world.   It’s a moment I will never forget and Michael is truly exceptional at what he does.”
Liz Trubridge

Producer, Downton Abbey

1. Transformative Conversations ($5K – half day)

Sometimes you don’t so much need an overhaul as a tweak. Transformative conversations are surprisingly deep conversations held in a delightfully light-hearted way, and can be used to tune-up before a big event or find the inner strength to take on a current challenge. They can be booked as needed, pending availability.

To check my calendar for availability and book a session, click here.

2. Small Group Coaching ($5K)

A few times a year I block out three days to spend with a small group (8-10 people) where the only agenda is you. Participants resort that these small groups have helped them to increase their productivity, evolve their creative expression, and unleash their impact by taking a fresh look into what’s really possible for them. You’ll leave refreshed, recharged, and ready to take on the world

To learn about upcoming groups and check availability, click here.

3. Personal Catalyst Intensives  ($25K)

These 2 1/2 day one on one intensives (with 3 months of follow up) are like drawing a line in the sand where everything will be different after than before. They are designed to shift and/or strengthen the foundations from which you live and work, and have changed the lives and revitalized the careers of numerous founders of companies, high-potential executives, and leaders in multiple industries over the past decade.

To have a chat with a member of our team about booking an intensive, please click here.

4. Coaching Packages (Starting at $30K)

If you’re looking for ongoing support and challenge from me as a coach, I’ve got over three decades worth of professional experience in helping people bring their genius to life. All coaching packages include a Personal Catalyst Intensive and run between 6 months to a year. To custom design a package that’s perfect for you, click here to arrange an exploratory call with a team member. Assuming it’s a fit, you and I will have an initial conversation to lock down all the details before you begin!

5. The Apprenticeship ($75K)

The Apprenticeship is a one year program for people who want to go deeper into what it is to be a transformative presence and make your living by making a difference in the world. That you will finish the year with a deep understanding of the principles behind life, a fresh relationship with your own wisdom and creativity, and an unshakable confidence in your ability to positively impact the lives of others.

While many past apprentices have been members of the helping professions, the program has also been taken by thought leaders, authors, and conscious entrepreneurs. Because of the intimate nature of the program (I spend more time with my apprentices than anyone but my family :-), I only take on a small number of apprentices at any one time.

To learn more and apply, please click here to arrange an exploratory call with a team member.

“Testimonials are weird. They are written to impress.

This one should not impress you. It should move you.

Let it move you.

It doesn’t matter how big your goals are, this is bigger. The greatest writers in history struggle to describe the beauty of what’s on offer here.

It’s spectacular ordinary.

Like Michael. He is just a dude with one instruction: Look. Just look. And you have a thousand reasons not to.

He will listen patiently to a couple of them and then repeat: Look.

And then, suddenly: You’ll look. And then you see.

You found everything.

Do yourself and everybody you love a favor:

Book Michael.”

Maxi Gstettenbauer, Germany


“Back in 2010, I founded a software company and took it from zero to a million dollars in revenue under four years, working hard and stretching myself towards big and challenging goals. When we hit the ‘magic number’, I found, to my surprise, there was nothing there. I didn’t even crack a bottle of champagne. That shocked me to my core, and that was the point at which I stumbled across Michael Neill. The understanding he shares changed my life and continues to do so. My experience of being in business has transformed to one of being in flow and tapping into creative solutions whenever I need to. I spend more time with my family – and have a far closer connection with them than ever before. My migraines and anxiety have all but disappeared. When I finally saw ‘the space within’ that Michael so eloquently points to, I did finally crack that bottle of champagne. I found something better than a million dollars and for that Michael, I will always be grateful to you.”
Nicola Bird

Founder, A Little Peace of Mind

“If Superman needed a coach, he’d hire Michael Neill.”
Geoff Hinsley

Executive Coach

“Michael Neill is a coach’s coach in the most positive sense of that phrase…he not only knows what it takes to succeed in coaching, he knows how to teach it to others.”
Steve Chandler

Master coach, public speaker, best-selling author

“Direct and practical – Michael’s presence makes taking on challenges fun.”
Egill Egilsson

Producer/Director: ‘The Wire’, 'Once Upon a Time'

‘Dutch people are notoriously unimpressed, so the 3 day intensive with Michael made me seriously doubt my nationality. It was truly inspiring and invigorating and, yes, it changed my life. Although he’s one of the most normal guys I’ve ever met, Michael is truly one of a kind. He’s got the magical capability to make you feel safe and appreciated and listened to, and at the same time deeply challenged and lovingly provoked.

There’s something unique about being immersed in a place of total trust with a couple of strangers, and starting to see the world with completely different eyes. It’s like a gentle wake-up call for your soul, a profound kick in the butt in the direction of infinite possibilities. Being part of a 3 day session with Michael is about as transcending as it gets.

Go for it, you’ll hug me later!’

Marnix Pauwels

Author and transformative coach