Whether you’re new to the inside-out understanding, a lifelong learner, or even a slightly jaded seeker, the only requirements for entry are an open mind, a big heart, and (ideally) a bit of a sense of humor… :-)


There are three ways to dive in and join our growing community!


We’ve re-jigged our Inner Circle memberships to better support you in your ongoing exploration, expansion, and grounding. You’re membership will be a safe harbor for you to rest, refresh, and re-inspire yourself between adventures and a lighthouse to guide your way when things get a bit rocky.

✔️ Inner Circle Silver members ($10 a month) get all of the perks PLUS a 20% discount off all programs under $500

✔️ Inner Circle Gold members ($99 a year) get all the perks PLUS a 40% discount on all programs under $500

✔️ Inner Circle Platinum members ($495 a year) get all the perks plus a FREE place on all our online programs under $500 AND so much more!

The Supercoach Cafe a community dedicated to mastering the art and science of transformation

Have you found yourself drawn to the coaching profession but put off by the constant hype, marketing, and forced positivity?

Do you prefer real-time laughter, challenge, and loving disruption to having to “believe in yourself” and learn an endless stream of strategies, steps, and systems?

Are you more interested in mastery than “faking it ’til you make it”?

The Supercoach Cafe was created with you in mind – a place where you can get ongoing support, training, and supervision in the art and science of transformative coaching.

Whether you’re a new, transitioning, or experienced coach, you’ll find a vast array of short-form lectures, mini-courses, and live interactive webinars to help you deepen your grounding, increase your impact, and fall in love (or back in love) with your business.

To join the community and learn more, click here.