Genius Catalyst Program

The Genius Catalyst Program An 8 month exploration of creativity, productivity, and what it takes to bring your genius to life gen·ius ˈjēnyəsnoun 1: an attendant spirit of a person or place2: a strong leaning or inclination3: a peculiar, distinctive, or identifying...

Coaching from the Inside Out 2024

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” -Albert Einstein I have spent over 30 years of my professional life on a mission to do three things: 🔷 To uncover the secrets of happiness, success, and wellbeing🔷 To live them in my own...

You, Unleashed

“Don’t ask what the world needs – ask what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Rev. Howard Thurman What if the only thing between you and a life beyond your wildest dreams was a...
Coaching Mastery 2.0

Coaching Mastery 2.0

Coaching Mastery Livestreaming around the world What’s your next level as a coach? Do you work with others? Would you like to be able to make more of a consistently positive difference in their lives? After over thirty years as a coach and teacher and more than...

Why Aren’t You Successfuller?

What's New Bookmark this page to enjoy our newest programs and content as they come out! New and Upcoming Programs NEW September-February 🇺🇸🇬🇧 ONLY 5 PLACES LEFT The first ever Genius Catalyst Certification program beginning live and live-streaming from New York City...