“I Know it’s Just my Thinking, but…”

“I Know it’s Just my Thinking, but…”

In 2012, three years after having successfully launched an international training school for coaches called Supercoach Academy, I put the school on hold for a year because I noticed something was “off” in the way people were hearing the principles

A Whole New Way of Thinking About Rapport

A Whole New Way of Thinking About Rapport

When I started my training as a coach back in 1989, one of the most important things they taught us was the importance of rapport in relationships – that feeling of goodwill between you and your client, customer, or loved ones that both greased the wheels of any interaction and served as a safety net for any time you needed to “go out on a limb”

Understanding What it Takes to Succeed, part two (#986)

Last week, I reviewed six key variables that impact the level of result we produce in our lives:

1. Starting place
2. Investment of time and energy
3. Strategy
4. Level of skill/Level of challenge
5. Other people
6. The random factor

This week, I’d like to explore a seventh variable….

The HFMOG Test (#984)

When I first began sharing the principles behind the inside-out understanding with clients and on our professional training and development programs, I came up with an unofficial, highly subjective, yet fairly reliable way of evaluating whether someone was really seeing the revolutionary implications of this understanding:

If they weren’t at some level thinking “Holy F*#king Mother of God”, they probably weren’t yet really seeing the power of the principles in action.