Cultivating Freedom of Mind
One morning I was driving my daughter Maisy to school when she asked me, ‘If you had a dollar for every time you overthought things, how rich would you be?’
I laughed in recognition of the fact that in the economy of overthinkers, I would be a wealthy man indeed….
Would You Rather be Right, Happy, or Effective?
One of fascinating things about the inside-out understanding – the fact that our personal realities are made up of thought – is that it lets us take a look behind the scenes of the human experience and make sense of why we’re happy and effective…
Are you ready to make your dreams come true?
I’ve been working with high performers for over 25 years. One of my more memorable teaching experiences came a few years back when I was facilitating a group of coaches in New York City and someone asked a question about ‘the limits of human creativity.’ After letting the conversation run for a bit…
What if I Don’t Know What I Want to Create in 2018?
My university-age daughter is currently reading a preview copy of Creating the Impossible: A 90 Day Program to Get your Dreams Out of Your Head and Into the World. She’s enjoying it, but recently voiced a question I get surprisingly often..
Creation, Preservation, Destruction, and Sustainable Business Success
Long term readers of this blog will know that every December, I do my best to “blow up” my business and take a fresh look at the assumptions underlying how we do what we do. In effect, the question we ask ourselves each year is “if everything is up for grabs and nothing is a given, what would we want to create in the world and how would we go about creating it?”….
What’s Your Superpower?
About six months ago, Professor Anthony Kessel, a colleague and friend, approached me about co-authoring an article about the principles behind the human experience for a mainstream medical journal in the UK…
Dear Tim Ferriss, part two
In part one of this blog (click here if you missed it), I posed a question:
How can I best learn from the wisdom and experience of others without discounting what I’ve learned from my own experience and the wisdom of my soul?….
Dear Tim Ferriss, part one
I have a kind of a love/hate relationship with Tim Ferriss. On the one hand, he impresses the hell out of me, and he’s my son’s favorite writer/podcaster. On the other hand, he’s one of the few people who my thinking goes into overload reading…
The Ultimate Gift of Gratitude
I’ve never been terribly good at giving thanks. One of the more infamous stories from my childhood involved my saying, “Thank you for the yucky present” to my favorite aunt and uncle which while it does get me points for honesty seems a bit churlish in retrospect….
Does Setting Goals Actually Help?
I am in the midst of a renovation project – the renovation of one of my early books, Supercoach, from how things looked like to me a decade ago to how they look to me now. Here’s a section from the chapter “The Problem With Goals”…
Why Cancer isn’t Scary and Death isn’t Sad
A couple of days ago, I posted one of my favorite Syd Banks quotes to Facebook:
“Mental sickness is created when we put feelings onto objects. But if you can see the objects without the feelings, then you are healthy.”…
Deadlines, Pressure, and Performance
I’ve been spending a lot of time of late thinking about pressure – the feeling of having to get on and do or achieve something lest some gradually closing in on you monster reaches up out of the darkness and eats you alive…
The Balloon of Consciousness and the Tarpit of Experience
When I’m working with a client during a multi-day intensive, I will from time to time do a “reset” and ask them “If our time together was starting right now, what would you want to have come from it? What kinds of things would you like to explore?….
Two Surprisingly Unsurprising Keys to Long-term Success
Over the weekend, I had a chat with someone who used to run his own advertising agency and is now the creative director for a much larger agency. He was saying that while the big agencies obviously have an edge in terms of being able to recruit and pay over the odds for top talent, the real edge they have..
Intention vs. Volition
One of the questions that has been fascinating me in my work as both a coach and business owner over the past couple of years is this:
How do we create in a world where we are not in control? In last week’s blog, I pointed to two key elements that seem to always be present in any answer to this question…