How to Be More of Who You Already Are

How to Be More of Who You Already Are

Today’s blog is adapted and excerpted from the newly revised and updated 10th anniversary edition of Supercoach, available this fall from Hay House…
Recently, a woman whose thoughts were in a terrible spin called in to my radio show. She was worried about everything…

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How Things Actually Happen

How Things Actually Happen

Last week was the final week of this year’s Creating the Impossible program, and I’m still feeling filled up with the richness of feeling from our final call. People shared their highlights and “ta da!” moments from the past 90 days…

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How to Change the World

How to Change the World

Today’s blog is excerpted from my book Creating the Impossible: A 90 day program to get your dreams out of your head and into the world…The week I began working on this book, I read a distressing (to me) article about how Mahatma Gandhi was estranged from his eldest son, Harilal, throughout his adult life. I immediately called my own first born, Oliver…

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Three Pieces of Good News (that sound like bad news), part three

Three Pieces of Good News (that sound like bad news), part three

Today, I want to share a third thing that I have come to see over a nearly 30 year career as a teacher and coach. It impacts how I do everything I do with students and clients, and is perhaps best summed up in this story I first heard in a dialogue between Anthony de Mello, an enlightened Jesuit priest, and one of his students….

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Three Pieces of Good News (that sound like bad news), part one

Three Pieces of Good News (that sound like bad news), part one

When I talk with people about my seven year battle with suicidal depression nearly three decades ago, I often describe it like this: “It was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.” It doesn’t feel right to call it “a gift”, because I would never purposefully give it to my children or anyone else I cared about, and yet I am incredibly grateful for what I’ve learned, who I’ve become, and who I’ve been able to help at least partially because I went through it.

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Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt

Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt

One of the things I love about running retreats is that I get to go on them as well. Granted it’s different from the front of the room, but the essential elements – time away from everyday routine….

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The Strangest Discipline

The Strangest Discipline

When I ask my clients what they think is really holding them back from living the life of their dreams, the most frequent answer I get is: “A lack of discipline.”

When I ask them which disciplines specifically they feel they’re lacking in, they tend to come back to me with some variations on these common themes:

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The Source of Well-being

The Source of Well-being

People often live as though their experience of life takes place on a continuum ranging from misery to joy. The game of life then becomes about figuring out how to spend more time at the happy end of the continuum and less time at the miserable end….

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Five Things I Remember from the Week My Father Died

Five Things I Remember from the Week My Father Died

My dad died on February 12th, 1992 – twenty six years ago today. He was hit by a car crossing the street in my home town. The kid driving the car had only had his license for a week, and was neither drunk nor speeding – he just didn’t notice my dad in the crosswalk until it was too late….

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The Three Levels of Change Revisited

The Three Levels of Change Revisited

The first book I wrote after stumbling across the inside-out understanding was called Supercoach: 10 Secrets to Transform Anyone’s Life. At the time, I thought I was definitively laying out a new paradigm in understanding human behavior…

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What it Feels Like to Be a Millionaire

What it Feels Like to Be a Millionaire

On Sunday, I was preparing to do a FB Live for the Creating the Impossible online program and reflecting on how to demonstrate the difference between something we want to create for its own sake and something we chase after in the world hoping it will make us feel a certain way when we catch it…

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The Highest Goals of Transformative Coaching

The Highest Goals of Transformative Coaching

I’ve spent the past week in the company of a group of amazing, committed, and curious souls who came together for the first five days of Supercoach Academy 2018. In preparing for the week, I reflected at length about the nature of happiness, insight, creating, success, the Three Principles, life, and the whole field of coaching…

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