Help with Emotional Eating

Susan Perry

Oh my gosh Michael! I have just read your book and the most amazing shift happened half way through.

I am a chronic emotional eater and I have been dealing with various issues with a NLP therapist over the past few months. I have been dealing with a few issues from the past and how those issues have been making me self sabotage with diets etc. Whilst there have been big changes (no binge eating anymore etc) I am still turning to food to cope with various aspect of life.

Then I read your book…..the shift? I realised suddenly that my problem wasn’t my thoughts about these negative experiences it was the thought “I need to eat to cope with negative thoughts”…..oh my god!!! How simple is that to fix!!! I will never be able to completely avoid my mind having negative thoughts going forward but I will be able to get rid of that particular damaging thought!

I am stunned….thank you with all my heart!


The Inside-Out Revolution

