What would you love to create in 2019?

A new business? More money?  A better relationship?

Or are your dreams less personal and more ambitious?

What if you could accomplish more than you ever imagined

without the constant stress and pressure associated

with goal setting and high achievement?

Over the past ten years, over 3000 people have joined me for an online experience I call “Creating the Impossible”. They’ve created new jobs, new relationships, and new income. People have lost weight, started companies, invented products, left bad situations, broken habits, and moved on with their lives in ways they hadn’t imagined possible. But above all, they changed their relationship with themselves and the creative process forever.

Starting in January, 2019, you’ll get the chance to be supported by me and the Creating the Impossible community in real time through a combination of short daily audios, weekly videos, and interactive group coaching sessions with me and members of the CTI team.

To get started, simply choose an “impossible” project to take on over the length of the program – anything from writing your first novel to losing 30 pounds to earning a ludicrous amount of money to changing the world for the better. The only two prerequisites for choosing a project are this:

1. You must believe you have a less than 20% chance for success in the 90 days of the program.

2. You must be so inspired about what it is you want to create that you will be glad of any time you invest in creating it, regardless of how things turn out!

The doors for Creating the Impossible 2019 are now open!

Here are all the details:

Sunday, 20th of January – Friday, 19th of April

  • Weekly Videos
  • Daily Audios
  • Live coaching calls every week

If you book your place by Midnight PT time on the December 10th, you can join us for just $195 (saving $100).

Have a look at what some of our ‘impossiblers’ created last year that might inspire you…

If you’re one of the hundreds of people who return to the program year in and year out, all you need to know is that we’ll begin this year on the 20th of January and I’ll be doing all new live videos each week and including a full week of new audios as well!

If it’s your first time, here’s a more comprehensive overview. You’ll be supported in your impossible project by:

1. Thirteen brand new weekly videos from me each Sunday to kick start your week.

2. Sixty-five daily audio inspiration from me every day from Monday to Friday throughout the program. I created these audios to help settle your thinking, spark your creativity, and catalyze insights into how to make the impossible possible.

3. Thirteen live interactive coaching webinars with me each Tuesday and an additional 13 ‘bonus calls’ with members of the Genius Catalyst Team on Thursdays – that’s 26 hours of coaching in total. All webinars are scheduled to run for an hour from 8am PT/11am ET/4pm UK.

4. Membership in an exclusive Facebook community where you can share your wins and “wow!”s, dissolve your challenges in love and laughter, and ask for community support in making your impossible dreams come true.

5. Lifetime access to the streaming video and audio of the daily sessions and downloadable access to the community coaching webinars.

The only thing you need to bring to the table is something you’d love to create and a willingness to change your mind once and for all about what’s truly possible in your world…

Free 7 Day Jumpstart Video Program

In order to help you get started on your own impossible journey, as soon as you register you’ll get instant access  to the 7 day video series I created as an accompaniment to the CTI book. The videos will help get you up and running on making your impossible dreams come true and bringing your impossible projects to fruition.

Here’s the first video to whet your appetite for creation…

My original project was to pay off my credit card in 90 days, but I stopped when I realised I didn’t have any idea what steps to take.  I’d be amazed if I listened to even 50% of the content or did the activities. I didn’t even finish the book! Then I had a thought one morning walking to work:

 “Maybe I’m supposed to learn that the impossible can happen without it being a lot of hard work. I bow out of everything unless I do all the tasks perfectly. Maybe that’s the learning. Today I am open to achieving the impossible without me needing to do much at all.”

To cut a long story short, I had to pop into the bank that day and ended up sitting down with a bank assistant who looked up my records for one thing but was shocked with my credit card debt and interest payments I was falling behind on. Less than two hours later, she had completed restructured my credit card debt into a bank loan and the credit card debt was paid off. I will be completely debt free in 24 months and she has saved me literally £1000s and endless sleepless nights.

When she hit send and managed to get the application through, we both realised it was a magic moment and started crying. (Yes – even the bank employee! She knew she had just changed my life and was so proud. We hugged even though I AM NOT A HUGGER and I told her about my CTI project. Here I was having done it – just not in a way I could’ve imagined!

Darika, CTI 2018

The doors for Creating the Impossible 2019 are now open

Here are all the details:

Sunday, 20th of January – Friday, 19th of April

  • Weekly Videos
  • Daily Audios
  • Live coaching calls every week

If you book your place by Midnight PT time on the December 10th, you can join us for just $195 (saving $100).

A bit sad that today is the last day. Although I haven’t shared much here, all that I have gained from being a part of this program and this group is immeasurable. I’m in awe of the insights and creations that have been shared. This is not only my first CTI, but my first investment in any personal growth program. I struggled with making the commitment, but could never have imagined the return I would get on my investment.

I didn’t land on a physical project until almost two weeks ago, but I’m leaning in now and will continue. My “Ta Da” is not related to my project but what I have uncovered in myself. After spending most of my life in search of happiness and my self-worth, I have finally found that and more. I’ve found answers to my questions of why I have lived the life that I have. I feel a bit like Dorothy at the end of The Wizard of Oz, when Glenda the Good Witch tells her that she always had the power to return home. Though, I still have days, moments when I feel a bit unsure of myself, my innate wisdom now reassures me that I’m really okay. I can see my thinking.

Even though the program is at the end, I know that I am at the beginning of a much better life, the life that I want and deserve, and will continue to get better and more loving the more that I am aware. A lifetime of shame and sadness transformed just like that with a deeper understanding of how it all works. Thank you Michael, Lynn and all that have shared and helped me to awaken to what is, this beautiful life. There are truly no words sufficient to express my deepest gratitude. I hope to share with others and inspire them to live their best lives too.

Susie, CTI 2018

Want even more…?

You can combine Creating the Impossible 2019 AND a full year’s membership in my Inner Circle (a $295 valuefor just $295 (saving $200 off the annual cost). The Inner Circle is perfect for anyone who wants to be able to ask me questions, get coached by me, or just have me as a guide and companion on their journey into a whole new way of being in the world.

My inner circle members get to be involved in the creation of many of my new projects and programs, as I use the group as a chance to explore the cutting edge of what I’m seeing and doing before sharing with the general public!

  • Monthly interactive webinars where you can ask questions and I’ll share my latest insights into creativity, happiness, and the human condition
  • Decision Making
  • Forgiveness
  • Productivity
  • Worry
  • Meditation
  • 24/7 access to the best material from the archives of my radio shows, blogs, tips, book club calls, live talks, and workshops
  • 20% discount on every new live and online event I do under $1000 – kind of like a Barnes and Noble discount card for your personal and spiritual evolution! Our members have saved over $2000 in 2018 alone.

Have a look at what some of our ‘impossiblers’ created in previous years that might inspire you…

In the words of a famous sports ware company “Just do it” . I did it last year, didn’t create the impossible but learnt a lot along the way. It’s well worth the time you won’t regret it!
Phillip Warris